The New JOMBO™ Is Out! (Iowa Gambling Crisis)

THE NEW JOMBO™ Fans of Jombo McFeedstore ™ rejoice! The new strip is out! Moreover, on account of a recent downturn in the NFT marketplace we've marked down the price to only one million dollars (US). That's right! For less than the amount that Jeff Bezos makes in 20 minutes of work* during his so-called workday, you can have this treasured family heirloom in digital form. Pass it on to the next generation and watch it grow in value. Get your very own Jombo ™ Today! THE STORY BEHIND THE STRIP Although we usually don't like to put our strips into context as that takes away from the joke, we would be remiss in this instance. That's because in this instance there's an actual story involved and not simply the usual Jombo ™ hijinks. Apparently, there were six Iowa Hawkeye wrestlers who placed bets with an online gambling service. This is forbidden by the NCAA because of policy reasons such as the potential for point-shaving, the throwing of games or matche...