Is There a Seventh Sense in Wrestling?

WRESTLERS REQUIRE A SPECIAL SKILL In wrestling and mixed martial arts an athlete must be aware of what his or her body is doing, from head to toe, and be aware of what his or her opponent's body is doing, from head to toe, as well as the position of the out-of-bounds line, frequently without being able to look at them. In ball sports like tennis, soccer, football and basketball, you are watching your opponent and the ball. Your sense of sight gives you almost all of the information that you need to be successful. In those sports, you also have to know where the goal, net, and lines are located, but, again, sight is primarily the way to deal with those objects. PROPRIOCEPTION Good ball sport players have a keen sense of proprioception, which is sometimes called the Sixth Sense. Proprioception is basically your conscious awareness of your own body and limbs in space, what they are doing and what they need to do next. Serena Williams sees the ball come off her opponent's...