The ILLINI & IRTC at the US Open (day four, U20)

Just when you thought the news couldn't get better. Strike that. Of course, it couldn't get any better than a National Championship for Zane Richards. Still, some pretty dadgum fantastic news for the ILLINI and IRTC on day four of the US Open. Two more in the Finals! Joey Braunagel went big with a headlock throw and pin in the semis. (IMAR and Jeremy were happy as can be)! Kannon Webster with the decision over Jesse Mendez in the same round. A counter-takedown followed by a gut wrench did it for the ILLINI recruit. For those of you who thought that Danny and Zac Braunagel were quite enough Braunagels, well, mister, there's another Brawlnagel, and he loves to toss people on their heads. He has a total Lucas Byrd attitude in that regard. Look for him to battle for the 197 spot after Zac graduates. Kannon Webster is still in high school, and he's already beaten NCAA qualifiers. Now, he's beaten an All American. He's the #10 recruit in the class according to I...