Early Look at the ILLINI Lineup

I watched Danny Pucino at the Matteo Pellicone Freestyle ranking tournament, and that got me excited for next year's ILLINI squad. Danny lost to the Azerbaijani who was a two-time third-place finisher at the European Championships. What impressed me was that he had this twenty-something freestyle veteran very much on the ropes. You can see from the action photo above that Pucino (sometimes called "Pacino" by the UWW) started off the bout with a four-point move that Azerbaijan challenged. And lost. Danny must've taken 30 shots in 6 minutes. The Azer wrestler had to take a fake injury - lung timeout! Maybe if the ILLINI hadn't slipped on that inside trip, he'd've won a medal. I guess we'll never know. That match, though, got me fired up again for next year's ILLINI squad. So, let's take an early look at the most likely starters. ____________________ 285. LUKE LUFFMAN. I have gotten a "cease and desist" letter from a group called TH...