Camden Fontenot came out wearing swim trunks. WTF? 

All The Irish Nightmare in round one. Huge throw down from a bear hug from O'Connor. Then, ground and pound for the rest of the round. Throws a leg in, hip control. Throwing lefts and rights.  "AOC, AOC, AOC" chants from the crowd. 

First time I've seen a chicken wing for more than :30 in an MMA fight. 

Fontenot comes out in the second round like a Power Ranger with high kicks. Austin puts him on his back almost immediately. Slams him down. Sticks in a leg and pounds his head and ribcage. The announcers call it "Big Brothering" him. 

"It's like a martial art form I've never seen before."

TKO in the third from ground and pound. 

The announcers were on point the whole way through the bout with, "Miranda Rights were read." After winning, "Some of the most creative and mean wrestling I've ever seen." In his interview, AOC showed a little potty mouth, with the "F" and the "A," but he sounded good, and he sounded tough.

I understand boxing and MMA give every fighter "a floor" when scoring. That usually means, even when one fighter dominates, the other guy still gets 7 points on the scorecard. A dominant round would be 10-7. 

Each of the three rounds in this bout shoulda been 10-0. Maybe 30-3 for the whole fight. Maybe. But ground and pound ended it. Just vicious. Fontenot has a wrestling background, but as the announcers said, and the folks at keep saying: "There are levels to this."  


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