ILLINI & ILLINI RTC With Over 200 Wins This Summer!

It has been an amazing Summer for ILLINI and ILLINI RTC athletes. They have combined for well over 200 wins! To celebrate, we wanted to do a video that showed every time one of the wrestlers from Champaign had their hands raised. 

It soon became apparent that we needed two videos to show them all. 

There are over two hundred refs raising two hundred ILLINI hands in the following videos. To be sure, there were many more wins. There were at least twenty other wins that could not be memorialized because FloWrestling either did not create a video for it or let the video end before the wrestler's hand was raised. 

Let's start with volume two:

Below you have volume one which shows ILLINI wins at the various age-level US Opens, the World Team Trials, Kannon Webster's Pan Am championship and Final X:


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