Deuce Rachal Should Not Join Sumo!

 I Was Wrong. 

Deuce Rachal is not right for Sumo. He is meant for bigger and better things. This is some of what was posted on his Fighting ILLINI bio:

  • Has worked as a karate instructor
  • A member of the chess club
  • Is a national and world champion in Brazilian jiu jitsu
  • hopes to become a doctor
  • Majoring in molecular biology

If you can throw big people around, that's a good thing. If you can save people's lives, that's an astonishingly great thing. Whether as a doctor or scientist, the Deuce needs to be on the loose helping people. 

The End of the November Basho.

The final Sumo tournament or "Basho" of the year has ended. The winner was the Yokozuna Terunofuji. He finished with a perfect 15-0 record, cementing his legacy. He won four of the six tournaments this year, including the first two after becoming a Yokozuna. The latter hadn't happened since the 1960s. 

The Yokozuna is an underhook destroyer. In fact, he will use his cunning to force his opponents into an underhook, then clamp down with his arm and spin his body to the side putting extreme pressure on his foe's arm joints. It's like an arm drag and arm bar at the same time! 

His perfect fifteen consecutive wins are recorded in this video:

One of the reasons why I thought Deuce Rachal would be a natural for Sumo was because he loved to toss big people. Also, because of the abundance of "Pauls from New Jersey" who are in Japanese Sumo. If these guys aren't every single "Paul" you met in New Jersey, then you must never have met any Pauls in New Jersey. Surely, the Deuce could whup 'em:

But the Deuce is going to do bigger and better things. 


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