Tony Madrigal and Zane Richards News!
TONY MADRIGAL Please give an ILLINI welcome to Anthony "Tony" Madrigal! The OPRF product has transferred from an Oklahoma squad in turmoil to join the University of ILLINOIS Wrestling team. I'm sure most folks here are very aware of his high school pedigree that included two state finals, Fargo and Ironman awards. Did you also know he beat Real Woods twice in high school and wrestled Spencer Lee to a 5-0 loss at Ironman before Lee was injured? Here he is beating high school teammate JRent in a Fargo semifinal: This looks to shore up the ILLINI lightweights even further. I said that last season the team had more depth than at any time since the Golden Age, and this year will be even better. And so, here's a Guardians of the Galaxy welcome to Tony: ZANE RICHARDS Over to, they have put up what they call a "preview" of the Richards-Gilman Final X match. There's not much detail, very little meat on that bone, but here it is : "57 kg – Thoma...